Shortcode Option Arguments
- id="" - Testimonial ID to display (note: if included, overrides list or rotate feature)
- rotate="" - (yes/no) Rotate between all available testimonials or specified testimonial category (note: 'id' argument must be absent to work)
- list="" - (yes/no) List all available testimonials or specified testimonial category (note: 'id' argument must be absent to work)
- category="" - Testimonial Category ID to list or rotate between (doesn't affect single testimonials)
- single_random="" - (yes/no) Display a random testimonial (amongst all available) for each page load or reload
- template="" - Choose Template
- img_shadow="" - (yes/no) Testimonial image shadow
- img_round="" - (yes/no) Make Testimonial image round instead of square
- img_size="" - (px/%) - Size for testimonial image
- img_align="" - (left/center/right) - Set alignment for testimonial image
- img_loc="" - (before/after) - Set testimonial image before or after testimonial text
- title_color="" - - Color of title
- title_size="" - (px/em) - Font size of title
- tst_color="" - (hex) - Color of testimonial body text
- tst_size="" - (px/em) - Font size of body text
- txt_align="" - (left/center/right) - Set alignment of all text in testimonial block
- subtitle_color="" - (hex) - Color of subtitle text
- subtitle_size="" - (px/em) - Font size of subtitle text
- subtitle_italic="" - (yes/no) - Make subtitle italic
- border="" - Choose whether to have a boder around testimonial block
- border_width="" - (px/em) - Border width if border is enabled
- border_color="" - (hex) - Color of boder around testimonial block
- bg_color="" - (hex) - Color of background
- round_corners="" - (yes/no) - Round corners for testimonial block
- width="" - (px/%) - Width of testimonial block
- height="" - (px/%) - Height of testimonial block
- align="" - (left/center/right) - alignment of testimonial block
- star_ratings="" - (yes/no) - Display star ratings
- transition_interval="" - (5) - Set the number of seconds between rotation of testimonials (Default: 5)
- random="" - (yes/no) - Set rotating testimonials to rotate in random order vs. sequential
- text_limit="" - (0) - Set the number of characters limit on testimonial's text (Default: none i-e 0)